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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Lung cancer risk from radon and progeny – ICRP Draft report for consultation

Subsequent to the publication of Statement on Radon, the ICRP has brought out a draft report on Lung Cancer Risk from Radon and Progeny. Now, both of these are on the ICRP site and the ICRP is seeking feedback on these. As reported, the last date for receiving comments is September 30, 2010.

The report reviews recent epidemiological studies of lung cancer risk linked to exposure to radon and its progeny. It concentrates on the results from pooled case-control studies of residential exposures and cohorts of underground miners exposed to low levels of radon and radon progeny. Consistent with the approach used in ICRP Publication 65 (1993), recent miner data are used to recommend a revised detriment-adjusted nominal risk coefficient of 5x10-4 per WLM replacing the ICRP Publication 65 value of 2.8x10-4 per WLM.

The pooled analyses of epidemiological studies of lung cancer risk from residential exposures demonstrate a statistically significant increase per unit of exposure below average annual concentrations of about 200 Bq per cubic meter.

For occupational protection purposes and for compliance with the dose limits and constraints, ICRP proposes to treat radon and radon progeny in the same way as other radionuclides and will publish dose coefficients calculated using dosimetric models for use within the ICRP system of protection.