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Sunday, February 14, 2010

Terahertz radiation (T rays)

Terahertz radiation band covers the electro-magnetic wavelength in the range between 0.1 and 1 mm in microwave region. It is non-ionizing type of radiation. The radiation can pass through clothing, paper, cardboard, wood, plastic and ceramics. It can also penetrate fog and clouds, but cannot penetrate metal or water. The rays are highly sensitive to material’s composition.

Recently, a linear accelerator was used to generate a strong beam of T rays. More recently, an electron storage ring used for producing powerful X-rays was used to produce high-power T rays. The high energy T rays can penetrate living cells, without damaging them (unlike X-rays).

The possible applications for T-rays range from basic research, such as studying the properties of superconductors, to medical imaging, and even security. It is expected that effects on tissues are thermal in nature, similar to RF radiation. Further studies need to be carried out to investigate the health effects of the T rays.

If it is safer than X-rays, it is expected to replace X-rays in various applications, particularly in mass screening and in security applications. Anything safer is better.