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Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Extracts from the reference book: Radiological Protection and Safety - Preface

Radiation is ubiquitous. All humans are exposed to natural background radiation consisting of cosmic radiation, cosmogenic radionuclides and terrestrial radiation from the radioactive materials present in the earth. In addition to this, humans are also exposed to artificial or man-made radiation sources. In all, globally on an average, the annual radiation dose due to these sources works out to be around 2.4 mSv. The levels of natural radionuclides are enhanced significantly in situations where the materials are processed in industrial scale to obtain useful materials such as uranium, thorium, rare-earth elements, etc.   

This reference book entitled “Radiological Protection and Safety – A Practitioner’s Guide” is designed to guide persons involved or related to radiological protection, i.e., Health physicists (HPs), Radiological Safety Officers (RSOs) and Medial health physicists who, by and large serve as a link between the facility or installation management and the regulators, to ensure radiological protection and safety. This resource book is also useful to researchers, trainers, students, the radiological and nuclear facility operators, the regulators and personnel undergoing training in fields dealing with radiation and radioisotopes. Training of the personnel in radiological protection and safety forms the focus of radiation protection programmes and creates an awareness to remove inherent radiophobia or fear of radiation amongst educated and other members of the public. This is important in the current scenario of potential of nuclear terrorism world-wide. 

Occupational workers are those who are exposed to radiation during the course of their work.  The concepts of radiological protection, radiation protection standards, regulations as well as the exposure control techniques are changing over time. This reference book, organized in about 350 pages and in 19 chapters, covers radiological protection and safety aspects in life cycle of nuclear fuel cycle facilities. It also covers current status of the issues and topics of concern in the wide variety of applications of radiation and radioisotopes, particularly technological developments in medicine and industry. The occupational risk of harm needs to be acceptable in comparison with the risks in other industries which are considered as safe. 

Radiation protection is a multi-disciplinary subject. The ICRP system of radiological protection is applicable to all facilities and activities involving radiation sources or radioactive materials with potential for occupational exposures. In general, from a regulatory perspective, the nuclear fuel cycle operations, i.e., starting with mining of the natural uranium, milling, reactor fuel production, the fuel fabrication, nuclear reactor operation, the spent-fuel reprocessing and the radioactive waste management, are well covered and generally under the regulatory control of the government. However, the use of radiation and radioisotopes are being increasingly used in public domain in medicine and industry posing newer challenges. There are numerous techniques in medical diagnosis and therapy where patients are exposed to radiation for medical diagnosis and therapy. However, these techniques also occupationally expose the physicians, the radiologists, the paramedical staff, the technicians, the care takers and the public at large, to the radiation.

In addition to the peaceful uses of radiation, there is a threat of terror organizations using orphan, stolen or disused radiation sources to harm civilians and others by malicious use of the sources in many forms such as Radiological Dispersal Devices (RDDs). Nuclear and radiological emergency is considered important and is separately covered in the chapter on radiological safety in emergency exposure situations. The types of emergency situations, the preparedness and response are discussed in the book with latest references. Security of the radiation sources and radioactive materials is currently a concern, which is being addressed by international and national bodies. Relevant references are provided on the subject for the information of all concerned.

The UNSCEAR periodically provides comprehensive data on levels and effects of radiation exposures in different applications of radiation and radioisotopes. International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) reviews the inputs from various sources, including epidemiological studies on the exposure of groups of population and experimental findings and provides basic recommendations periodically. Recent Most recommendations are published in ICRP-103, 2007. 

Wherever possible, references are provided for the numbers used. As always happen in the health physics profession, informed judgements/thumb rules, based on decades of operational radiation protection experience have provided adequate level of safety required in the profession. As per the educationist David A. Kolb, learning is a process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience.

In order to contain the size of the reference book to be “acceptable” for the readers, brevity has been an important consideration to include most of the topics of relevance to radiological protection and safety. References of radiological significance in the topics are provided at the end of each chapter, to be pursued by the reader for further details.

The reference book will be useful to all stakeholders in the nuclear industry who would like to refer to one book to know about all aspects of radiological safety in the application of radiation and radiation sources for the benefit of people. I dedicate this book to the radiation protection community, who work tirelessly to protect people and the environment from the harmful effects of radiation exposures.