This report updates previous recommendations of
the ICRP related to geological disposal of long-lived solid radioactive waste.
The report explains how the ICRP system of radiological protection described in
Publication 103 (2007) can be applied in the context of the geological disposal
of long-lived solid radioactive waste.
This report describes the different stages in
the life time of a geological disposal facility, and addresses the application
of relevant radiological protection principles for each stage depending on the
various exposure situations that can be encountered. In particular, the crucial
factor that influences the application of the protection system over the
different phases in the life time of a disposal facility is the level of
oversight or ‘watchful care’ that is present. The level of oversight affects
the capability to control the source, i.e. the waste and the repository, and to
avoid or reduce potential exposures. Three main time frames are considered:
time of direct oversight, when the disposal facility is being implemented and
is under active supervision; time of indirect oversight, when the disposal
facility is sealed and oversight is being exercised by regulators or special
administrative bodies or society at large to provide additional assurance on
behalf of society; and time of no oversight, when oversight is no longer
exercised in case memory of the disposal facility is lost (Source: