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Monday, June 14, 2010

ICRP’S New Draft Report of the Task Group for Consultation: Radiological Protection Education and Training for Healthcare Staff and Students

The number of diagnostic and interventional medical procedures using ionising radiations is rising, and procedures resulting in higher patient and staff doses are being performed more frequently. The need for education and training of medical staff, medical students, and other healthcare professionals in the principles of radiation protection is therefore now even more compelling that in the past.

The present publication expands considerably on the basic recommendations provided for education and training in publications, ICRP-103 and 105 with regard to various categories of medical practitioners, and other healthcare professionals that perform or provide support for diagnostic and interventional procedures utilising ionizing radiation. It provides guidance regarding the necessary radiological protection education and training for use by:

In the context of this publication, the term education refers to imparting knowledge and understanding on the topics of radiation health effects, radiation quantities and units, principles of radiological protection, radiological protection legislation and the factors in practice that affect patient and staff doses. Such education should be part of the curriculum in pursuit of medical, dental and other healthcare degrees, and for specialists such as radiologists, medical physicists and radiographers as part of the curriculum of postgraduate degrees.

The term training refers to providing instruction with regard to radiological protection for the justified application of the specific ionizing radiation modalities (e.g. CT, fluoroscopy) that a medical practitioner or other healthcare or support professional will utilize in that individual’s role during medical practice. Advice is also provided on the accreditation and certification of the recommended education and training.

Last date for submitting comments is August 6, 2010 (Ref.

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