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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Mobile phones - a health risk

Finally, the much awaited report from the India Government Inter-ministerial Panel’s study is out. Radiation from mobile phones and towers poses serious health risks, says the Panel. The study also attributed disappearances of bees, insects, sparrows and butterflies from cities for the EMF radiation emission from the towers. The reported health risks are memory loss, lack of concentration, sleep disruptions, etc. The eight-member panel recommended that mobile phones not adhering to the international standards be barred. It is also recommended that mobile towers should not be installed near high density residential areas, schools, hospitals, etc.

Precautions: Use wireless hand-free system, keep your calls short- use for sending messages only and do not use mobile phones for gossip and long chats. Do not give mobiles to children. They are more sensitive to radiation.

Note: There are many posts in this blog since last two years calling authorities to take urgent action against this public health concern.

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