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Monday, April 13, 2020

Exclusion and exemption criteria for different exposure situations

ICRP in its Publication No. 104 (2007) provide guidance to national regulatory authorities on the scope of radiological protection using the principles of justification and optimization. Advice is provided for deciding the radiation exposure situations that need to be covered by the relevant regulations because their regulatory control can be justified. There are some situations where regulatory control is unjustified and need to be excluded because the exposures are unamenable to control. In some regulated practices, the regulatory control is unwarranted, and exemption from the regulations is found to be the optimum option,

The ICRP documents describe the exclusion and exemption criteria for planned exposure situations and the application of the criteria in emergency and existing exposure situations with some specific examples. The quantitative criteria need to be treated as generic values to the consideration by the national regulatory authorities for defining the scope of the control measures.

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